Why does life sit on some people till breathing becomes a problem, it takes time for one to learn that life is sometimes hard and easy depending on ones capability.

 Simon found himself in this mystery, his parents were not capable and he was in class seven .his parents started fighting and quarreling this affected him so much.

Suddenly he started disappearing from home always on the run, when his parents started fighting. He had no one to turn in the difficulty he was facing .in school he was ridiculed by his classmates even his best friend gave him a cold shoulder.

Life became unbearable for him; he found a place to hide where he used to run to when things went bad at home. His mother looked at him sadly and wouldn’t utter a word to his heartbreaking son ,his family was slowly tearing apart.

This  made wonder and question myself occasionally  why do some people’s life become miserable yet  they can manage it?

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